穿上衣服 – Getting Dressed Song

We learn this song when we do the story of teddy not being able to find his clothes for pre-school! When the kids help him find them, we sing the Getting Dressed Song!

getting dressed

I wrote this one myself, as popular well known tunes work well!  So don’t have any links for you…but just sing to the Adam’s Family Tune…

chuānshàng yīfu (clap clap) chuānshàng yīfu (clap clap)

穿上衣服 (拍 拍)穿上衣服 (拍 拍)

chuānshàng yīfu chuānshàng yīfu chuānshàng yīfu (clap clap)

穿上衣服 穿上衣服, 穿上衣服 (拍 拍)

wǒ chuānshàng wǒ de duǎnkù, wǒ chuānshàng wǒ de Chènshān

我穿上我的短裤, 我穿上我的衬衫

wǒ chuānshàng wǒ de wàzi, wǒ kànshàngqù hěn kù.

我穿上我的袜子, 我看上去很酷

wǒ chuānshàng wǒ de xiězì, wǒ daishàng wǒ de màozi

.我穿上我的鞋子, 我带上我的帽子。

wǒ chuānshàng wǒ de jiākè,wǒ kànshàngqù hěn kù.

我穿上我的夹克, 我看上去很酷
(repeat chorus)

 Translation: Getting Dressed (clap clap), I put on my shorts, I put on my shirt, I put on my socks, I look very cool, I put on my shoes, I put on my hat, I put on my jacket, I look very cool. Adults can click fingers, children can clap, or they might like to just imitate you clicking fingers. Replace shorts with skirt using qúnzi 裙子 if you want to.

三条水母 – 3 Jelly Fish

Again, this is another song children have no problem understanding in Chinese, as it is exactly the same as the English version tune and translation.

We can use any animal that likes jumping from a rock into the water for this song, 青蛙 qīngwā /frogs, 鳄鱼 èyú /crocodiles etc.

It is a great song for exploring counting forwards and backwards, the concept of none (没有),measure words, position, 上 and 下 (as in jumping on and off ) and onomatopoeia 扑通 (pūtōng / splash!).

jelly fish

Here are the lyrics – Just sing to the English tune!














sān tiáo shuǐ mǔ, sān tiáo shuǐ mǔ , sān tiáo shuǐ mǔ zuò zài yán shí shàng

yì tiáo tiào xià

liǎng tiáo shuǐ mǔ liǎng tiáo shuǐ mǔ, liǎng tiáo shuǐ mǔ , zuò zài yán shí shàng

yì tiáo tiào xià

yì tiáo shuǐ mǔ, yì tiáo shuǐ mǔ, yì tiáo shuǐ mǔ, zuò zài yán shí shàng

yì tiáo tiào xià

méiyǒu shuǐ mǔ, méiyǒu shuǐ mǔ, méiyǒu shuǐ mǔ, zuò zài yán shí shàng

yì tiáo tiào shàng

yì tiáo shuǐ mǔ, yì tiáo shuǐ mǔ, yì tiáo shuǐ mǔ, zuò zài yán shí shàng

yì tiáo tiào shàng

liǎng tiáo shuǐ mǔ liǎng tiáo shuǐ mǔ, liǎng tiáo shuǐ mǔ , zuò zài yán shí shàng

yì tiáo tiào shàng

sān tiáo shuǐ mǔ, sān tiáo shuǐ mǔ , sān tiáo shuǐ mǔ, zuò zài yán shí shàng

English Translation: 3 Jelly Fish, 3 Jelly Fish, 3 Jelly Fish, sitting on a rock, one jumps off, (splash), 2 Jelly Fish etc. to No Jelly Fish sitting on a rock, one jumps on etc back up to 3 jelly fish.

This rhyme is good to sing at the same time of reading ‘I’m the biggest thing in the Ocean’ book.

At home you can make 3 Jelly Fish using plastic/paper bowls, and stapling blue crepe streamers to the rim. You can enlarge and print out the characters 水母to stick on the top of the jellyfish. Sit them on an upturned washing basket with a sheet over as a makeshift rock and act the rhyme out. You can say ‘扑通’(pūtōng) as the jellyfish splash into the water.

Darwin Language Library

There are so many online tools out there these days that we tend to forget about the good old fashioned library!

Darwin has a fantastic language school, the ‘Darwin Language Centre’ which has a language library with books, CDs, DVDs, games, props, costumes, musical instruments…for lots of different cultures and languages.  I know that the Chinese section has oodles of great resources that I have used with my students and family.

The Darwin Language Centre Library

The Darwin Language Centre Library

Parents, teachers and students can join for free!  So borrow today so that your kids can enjoy a variety of cultural media!


跳舞歌 – Dancing Song

To get the kids ready to do songs like the Hokey Pokey, or sitting for an intimate mat activity, you need to get them into a circle.  So teaching them this song can be the Chinese version of ‘Make a circle’ song, to be the trigger to get the children into a neat circle!!

dancing song

We watch this song in class on a Sing to Learn DVD which you can buy from the Wink to Learn website.  Or you can listen to an audio version of the song on the Confucius for Kids website.

Here are the lyrics:

lái lái lái, dà jiā lái lā chéng gè quān

来 来 来,  大 家 来 拉 成 个 圈

yī èr sān, yī èr sān, zhěng qí hǎo kàn

一 二 三, 一 二 三, 整 齐 好 看

lái lái lái, dà jiā lái lā chéng gè quān

来 来 来,  大 家来 拉 成 个 圈

zhuàn yi zhuàn tiào yi tiào, duō me hǎo wán

转 一 转 跳 一跳,  多 么 好 玩

 English translation is: Come on Everyone in a circle ,One two three, Neat and beautiful, Come on Everyone in a circle, turn around and jump, how much fun!

唱歌跳舞 – Hokey Pokey

Well this song is called 唱歌跳舞  which is literally  ‘sing songs and dance’ in English!

This is just full of learning opportunities, and also gets the kids up and dancing like they are at a party!

It has position/location sentence structure (inside, outside), left and right, and body parts.

But it is the repeated 把 construction that is the winner for me!   The 把 sentence pattern in Chinese is a nightmare for older students to get their heads around, yet little kids get to hear this sentence pattern in this song, and so many other songs and classroom instructions, so many times that they will never have a problem with understanding the grammar of it when they get older!


I found a link to where you can hear this song, Hua Hua’s Fun Class, just scroll down to the video play button.

I also found this youtube video with a lady singing the first couple of verses for you, just substitute the other body parts!

Here are the lyrics:





Chorus: 唱歌跳舞, 转个圆圈, 大家笑哈哈




摇摇你的手 (Chorus)




摇摇你的脚 (Chorus)




摇摇你的脚 (Chorus)




摇摇你自己 (Chorus)

bǎ yòu shǒu fàng miàn

bǎ yòu shǒu fàng wài miàn

bǎ yòu shǒu fàng miàn

yáo yáo nǐ de shǒu

(Chorus) chàng gē tiào wǔ zhuǎn gè yuán quān

dà jiā xiào hā hā

bǎ zuǒ shǒu fàng miàn

bǎ zuǒ shǒu fàng wài miàn

bǎ zuǒ shǒu fàng lí miàn

yáo yáo nǐ de shǒu (Chorus)

bǎ yòu jiǎo fang miàn

bǎ yòu jiǎo fàng wài miàn

bǎ yòu jiǎo fàng miàn

yáo yáo nǐ de jiǎo (Chorus)

bǎ zuǒ jiǎo fàng miàn

bǎ zuǒ jiǎo fàng wài miàn

bǎ zuǒ jiǎo fàng miàn

yáo yáo nǐ de jiǎo (Chorus)

bǎ zì jǐ fàng miàn

bǎ zì jǐ fàng wài miàn

bǎ zì jǐ fàng miàn

yáo yáo nǐ zì jǐ (Chorus)

Translation is much the same as English with a few changes: You put your right hand in, you put your right hand out, You put your right hand in, and you shake it all about, sing and dance and you turn around, everybody laugh.  Repeat with left hand, right foot, left foot and whole body.

This particular translaton was taken from ‘Sing and Learn’ by Trio Jan Jeng and Selina Yoon.  You can purchase the whole CD on iTunes.

拔萝卜 – Pull the turnip song

Kids love acting out this song!

We often sing it in class just using the child’s name eg. Xiao Lucas (Little Lucas), to call each child out to come and help pull the turnip.  But if we have read a story with animals in it, like Brown Bear Brown Bear, I allocate each child an animal from the book in the form of a picture, head band the child has made, or soft toy etc.  So when we sing 小红鸟, 快快来 (little red bird, come quickly), the children have to listen carefully for their animal being called to come and help pull the turnip! In this video version, it is an old lady, young girl, kitten and duck that help!


I also use this song with my transition kids to give them an example of how the syllables work in Chinese.  I tell them the story of how I was in 麦当劳 (McDonalds) in China,  and asked them for a 罗卜派 ( when I meant to ask for a 菠萝派), and then act out the confused look on the server’s face!  We say the word turnip ‘luo bo’ and pineapple ‘bo luo’ and the children quickly pick up that I got the syllables the wrong way round!  So I was actually asking for a turnip pie instead of a pineapple pie!   They find this hilarious and it gives them an example of how the syllables work, and what happens if you say them the wrong way!  It also introduces them to loan words! (pai = pie) and the kids are often curious to what other foods sound the same as English in Chinese!

My kids and their friends acting out the  'Pull the Turnip' song

My kids and their friends acting out the
‘Pull the Turnip’ song

Besides all this, it actually introduces the turnip as a vegetable in English…amazing how many kids have never seen one or heard of one!

Here are the lyrics:

拔萝卜    拔萝卜

嘿哟   嘿哟   拔萝卜

嘿哟   嘿哟   拔不动

小花猫    快快来


Bá luóbo bá luóbo
Hēi yō hēi yō bá luóbo
Hēi yō hēi yō bá bù dòng
Xiǎohuā māo kuài kuài lái
Kuài lái bāng wǒmen bá luóbo

Pull the turnip, pull the turnip
Hey yo hey ​​yo pull the turnip
Hey yo hey ​​yo it won’t move!
Little Kitten, come quickly
Come quickly and help us pull the turnip

十个小朋友 – Ten Little Friends Song

This song is a favourite because the kids know the tune and hence the meaning very easily.  When the kids know it well, it can be used in their Mandarin learning journey over and over, replacing the noun friend with whatever noun you want!  The beauty is that the measure word will change.  After the kids have heard the song with several different nouns throughout their journey, they will notice the change of the measure word too.  This is just one little piece of their learning which will make measure words not such a bizarre concept for them when they get older!

You can watch a video on the Confucius for Kids website.  Of course explore the other fun stuff on the Confucius for Kids site too!  The lyrics below are to this particular version.

Ten little friends (Indians)


yí gè liǎng gè sān gè
xiǎo péng yǒu


sì gè wǔ gè liù gè
xiǎo péng yǒu


qī gè bā gè jiǔ gè
xiǎo péng yǒu


shí gè yìn dì’ān xiǎo péng yǒu


两只老虎 – Two Tigers Song

We sing this song at different times, because once the kids know it, it can be used to reinforce measure words, the change of 二 to 两 when counting things, body parts, and the concept of 没有 (none, or doesn’t have any!).

Here are the lyrics:

一只没有 尾巴

liǎng zhī lǎo hǔ, liǎng zhī lǎo hǔ
pǎo dé kuài, pǎo dé kuài
yī zhī méi yǒu ěr duǒ
yī zhī méi yǒu wěi bā
zhēn qí guài, zhēn qí guài

Two Tigers, Two Tigers
Running very fast, Running very fast
One has no ears, One has no tail,
How strange! How strange!

你好歌 Hello Song!

This song is the first song my pre-schoolers and transition kids learn! It signifies the start and the end of our Mandarin class together. We beat the drum beat on our laps, and play the ukulele while we sing!  You can listen to the song and watch the video using this link, just click on the big green PLAY button when it opens!

ni hao ma song

The song and video is taken from the How Do I Learn Chinese? website. You can watch the song from this website also, it is on the right side of the page under songs. The left side has lots of games too that your child might like.

Here are the words:

nǐ hǎo ma?
(How are you?)
wǒ hěn hǎo
(I’m very well )
Xiè xiè
(Thank you)
Zài jiàn
(Good bye)

Practice singing this song and saying the words to the song as conversation too! Every now and then point to the CHARACTERS as you say them.

The anticipation of the Zài jiàn , ‘Goodbye’, at the end of the song can be a lot of fun to test out with each other!

欢迎光临!Welcome to my blog!

This is my first post to my new blog to share my Mandarin learning and teaching with my local and global community!

My old website www.pandacubs.info was developed for the parents of the Mandarin Song and Story Time, is a little old and not reflective of what I am doing now.  But I will keep the subscription for a month or two, if there is anything you wanted to copy off there.

Miss Donna