This song is the first song my pre-schoolers and transition kids learn! It signifies the start and the end of our Mandarin class together. We beat the drum beat on our laps, and play the ukulele while we sing! You can listen to the song and watch the video using this link, just click on the big green PLAY button when it opens!
The song and video is taken from the How Do I Learn Chinese? website. You can watch the song from this website also, it is on the right side of the page under songs. The left side has lots of games too that your child might like.
Here are the words:
nǐ hǎo ma?
(How are you?)
wǒ hěn hǎo
(I’m very well )
Xiè xiè
(Thank you)
Zài jiàn
(Good bye)
Practice singing this song and saying the words to the song as conversation too! Every now and then point to the CHARACTERS as you say them.
The anticipation of the Zài jiàn , ‘Goodbye’, at the end of the song can be a lot of fun to test out with each other!