跟我来 – Follow Me Song

When I need to move children from one spot to another I often use this transition song, and it gets them sitting ready for the next part of the lesson!

My kids and their friends demonstrate the song here for you:

A good way to learn Chinese while we move!  My kids repeat gēn wǒ zuò twice, which can mean follow me/do what I do, or you can sing Gēn wǒ lái gēn wǒ zuò – follow me, do what I do, both ways are OK, my kids are just used to the first way.

The words are like this:

跟我来跟我做 跳跳跳跳

跟我来跟我做 跑跑跑跑

跟我来跟我做 单脚跳

跟我来跟我做 请坐下

Gēn wǒ lái gēn wǒ zuò tiào tiào tiào tiào

Gēn wǒ lái gēn wǒ zuò pǎo pǎo pǎo pǎo

Gēn wǒ lái gēn wǒ zuò dān jiǎo tiào

Gēn wǒ lái gēn wǒ zuò qǐng zuò xià

Translation: Come with me, do what I do,  jump jump jump jump

Come with me, do what I do, run run run run

Come with me, do what I do, hop

Come with me, do what I do, please sit down