跟我来 – Follow Me Song

When I need to move children from one spot to another I often use this transition song, and it gets them sitting ready for the next part of the lesson!

My kids and their friends demonstrate the song here for you:

A good way to learn Chinese while we move!  My kids repeat gēn wǒ zuò twice, which can mean follow me/do what I do, or you can sing Gēn wǒ lái gēn wǒ zuò – follow me, do what I do, both ways are OK, my kids are just used to the first way.

The words are like this:

跟我来跟我做 跳跳跳跳

跟我来跟我做 跑跑跑跑

跟我来跟我做 单脚跳

跟我来跟我做 请坐下

Gēn wǒ lái gēn wǒ zuò tiào tiào tiào tiào

Gēn wǒ lái gēn wǒ zuò pǎo pǎo pǎo pǎo

Gēn wǒ lái gēn wǒ zuò dān jiǎo tiào

Gēn wǒ lái gēn wǒ zuò qǐng zuò xià

Translation: Come with me, do what I do,  jump jump jump jump

Come with me, do what I do, run run run run

Come with me, do what I do, hop

Come with me, do what I do, please sit down

早操歌 -Morning Exercise Song

This is a great body movement song, and is an echo song, great for getting the kids to sing back the Chinese!  We sing this in class often.

I originally learned this song from some American dude on youtube, who had videoed his adult Mandarin students practicing it in class, but I can’t seem to find it now, so can’t reference it…if you know of the Dude’s name / link let me know so that I can link it.  But I did have a MP3 on my hard drive of it, so here it is for you to listen to…

warm up song

Here are the lyrics:

把手举起来    Bǎshǒu jǔ qǐlái (Hands in the air)

把手拍一拍 Bǎshǒu pāi yī pāi (Clap hands)

蹲下去 Dūn xiàqù    (Squat)

站起来 Zhàn qǐlái   (Stand up)

摇摇头 Yáo yáo tóu  (Shake head)

摆一摆 Bǎi yī bǎi    (Sway/Swing like a pendulum)

飞一飞! 一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八!

Fēi yī fēi! (Fly!) Yī, èr, sān, sì, wǔ, liù, qī, bā!

踢踢腿! 一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八!
Tī tī tuǐ! (Kick legs)  Yī, èr, sān, sì, wǔ, liù, qī, bā!

蹦蹦跳! 一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八!

Bèng bèngtiào! (Jump)  Yī, èr, sān, sì, wǔ, liù, qī, bā!

原地跑! 一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八!

Yuán dì pǎo! (Run on the spot)  Yī, èr, sān, sì, wǔ, liù, qī, bā!