一个小时!One hour!

Candle, candle, what time is it?

Candle, candle, what time is it?

We had to play cards by candle light on our no electricity day! One of the candles we used was an ‘hour’ candle that we bought from the Tower of London many years ago! Such candles were apparently used by monks in the olden days to measure the hours of study that they did! So we lit the candle, and Lucas timed it on his stop watch, to see if it actually did take an hour to burn to the first notch! Each notch truly was ‘一个小时’  (yī gè xiǎo shí), 1 hour!  The candle had roman numerals on it, so it was a great opportunity to learn our numbers in Roman Numerals!

When we play ‘What time is it Mr Wolf?’, ‘ in Mandarin we say ‘老狼老狼几点了?’ ( lǎo láng lǎo láng jǐ diǎn le?) so this time we could say  ‘蜡烛蜡烛几点了? ‘ ( là zhú là zhú jǐ diǎn le?) Candle, candle, what time is it?

If you don’t happen to have an hour candle from the Tower of London, you can practice by playing the wolf game!  Here’s some vocab that might help!

蜡烛 là zhú Candle 两点 liǎng diǎn Two o’clock
老狼 lǎo láng Old wolf 三点 sān diǎn Three o’clock
几点了? jǐ diǎn le? What time is it? 四点 sì diǎn Four o’clock
一点 yī diǎn One o’clock 五点 wǔ diǎn Five o’clock
六点 liù diǎn Six o’clock 九点 jiǔ diǎn Nine o’clock
七点 qī diǎn Seven o’clock 十点 shí diǎn Ten o’clock
八点 bā diǎn Eight o’clock 十一点 shí yī diǎn Eleven o’clock
十二点 shí èr diǎn Twelve o’clock 小时 xiǎo shí Hour

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