小王子 The Little Prince

‘The Little Prince’ is the kind of story that would have children asking lots of ‘What if?’ questions. Here is such a ‘What if?’ question in the picture below.

The question in the above image asks:


 In pinyin:

Rúguǒ yǒu yī kē xiǎoxíngxīng fēicháng xiǎo, dàn zhìliàng què fēicháng dà, nàme yǒu méi yǒu kěnéng xiàng xiǎo wángzi nàyàng zhù zài shàngmian?

In English:

If an asteroid was very small but supermassive, could you really live on it like the Little Prince?

And it’s such ‘What if?’ questions that Randall Munroe answers a lot of in his ‘What if? book. Munroe gives ‘serious scientific answers’ to ‘absurd hypothetical questions’.  Makes for really interesting reading, and by reading in Chinese, as a family we get to integrate, in this case, Literature (we read and studied ‘The Little Prince’ recently), Science, and of course Mandarin, adding deeper connections to all elements.  Munroe answers all sorts of ‘What if?’ questions, from ‘What if the amount of deceased Facebook accounts exceed live Facebook accounts?’, to ‘What if I jumped out of a plane with a huge helium balloon?’ to ‘What if everyone on earth jumped up and down at the same time?’.  This book is cool in itself to integrate lots of learning areas with curious imagination, but it’s also motivating material for intermediate second language learners to advance their reading skills in a fun and meaningful way.

So while we were in China recently, we bought both Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s ‘The Little Prince’ and Randall Munroe’s ‘What if?’ translated into Mandarin.

I have typed out the first part of the answer in Mandarin to the above ‘Little Prince’ question, for you to get an idea of the level of Chinese required to read this crazy book. That way you can see if suitable for your kids’/students’ level. But you can also access the full answer to ‘The Little Prince’ ‘What if? question in English by clicking the link.



‘小王子’由 ‘安托万·德圣埃克絮佩里’ 讲述了一个来自遥远的小行星的旅行者的故事。整个故事简单而又伤感,意味深长且让人念念不忘。这本书表面上是写给小孩儿看的,但你却很难说这本书到底是写给谁看的。但不管怎样,这本书肯定找对了读者,它是史上销量最多的书之一。



20世纪70 年代之前,科幻小说中的小行星基本都是圆形的,就像行星一样。而‘小王子’一书则更进一步,它设想了一个有重力、空气和一枝玫瑰的小行星。在此不应该批评这本书一点都不科学,一是因为它本来就不是一本讲小行星的书;二是它开篇就是一个寓言,讲述成年人总是从字面意思看待一切是多么地愚蠢。





For more of the answer, and answers to many other absurd questions, just find a copy of the book in the second language you are learning, and read away!


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