Well it’s been around 9 weeks since we made our move from Darwin to Brisbane!
I miss teaching in the school community…
I miss the buzz of the classroom…
…and that oh so beautiful space I had at Kormilda College to set up all my resources…
…but I am also ready to step onto a different path…
…a path that I can share with my children while we learn together about what is important and meaningful to us…
I have done so much study at university to be the best teacher that I can be…but now I have a new Major, a Major in What Matters, and this Major is now in Motion.
My children and I will get to work on projects together at home whilst learning about the world, art, science, literacy, mathematics…and Mandarin too of course…
I will also continue to do what I love, creating a space for other kids in the community to have fun experiencing the Chinese language of Mandarin. Through starting this space I hope to role model initiative, creativity, perserverance, resilience, and resourcefulness to my children for their own projects that matter.