我的袜子在哪里? Where are my socks? Mandarin Motion Song and Story Time Wed 1st/Thur 2nd March 2017

This week in our Wednesday and Thursday Song and Story Time class, we will read this book:


我的袜子在哪里?(wǒ de wàzi zài nǎlǐ ?) Where are my socks?

我的袜子在哪里? 我的条纹短裤在哪里? 我的蓝背心在哪里? 我的黄袜子在哪里? 我的牛仔裤在哪里? 我的红毛衣在哪里? 我的斑点鞋子在哪里? 我的绿夹克在哪里? 现在,我们一起出去玩吧!

Key words we will repeat are    我的  (wǒde) ‘my’  在哪里  (zài nǎ lǐ) ‘where’ and of course clothes: 袜子 (wà zi)  ‘socks’  背心   (bèi xīn) ‘vest’    短裤   (duǎn kù)  ‘shorts or undies’   牛仔裤  (niú zǎi kù) ‘jeans’    毛衣  (máo yī)  ‘jumper’    鞋子( xié zi) ‘shoes’.

Children will also starting from this week each take turns taking Dawei or Lili the Teddy Bear home each week! They are visiting Brisbane from China, and need a family to look after them every week, to help them get dressed each morning, and undressed each night! Children will also take Dawei’s or Lili’s ‘diary’ home with them, to enter a drawing or photograph of them helping Dawei or Lili get dressed, and sticking a sentence to accompany the drawing! For parents wanting more vocab, or if any other Chinese teachers are wanting to do a similar activity with their students, you can click on the following PDF : Dawei’s diary cover page This cover page will be already inserted into the diary when your child takes it home.

Here is a song I wrote (to the tune of the Addams Family), to help you remember clothes vocab! My wonderful kids made a video to it so that you can watch to sing along to. Lyrics are below.  They recorded and edited themselves and are becoming my best little teaching assistants 🙂

Chorus : chuānshàng yīfu (clap clap) chuānshàng yīfu (pāi pāi)

穿上衣服 (拍 拍)穿上衣服 (拍 拍)

chuānshàng yīfu chuānshàng yīfu chuānshàng yīfu (pāi pāi)

穿上衣服 穿上衣服, 穿上衣服 (拍 拍)

wǒ chuānshàng wǒ de Chènshān,   wǒ chuānshàng wǒ de duǎnkù,

我穿上我的衬衫,   我穿上我的短裤,

wǒ chuānshàng wǒ de wàzi, wǒ kànshàngqù hěn kù.

我穿上我的袜子, 我看上去很酷

(repeat chorus)

wǒ chuānshàng wǒ de jiākè, wǒ chuānshàng wǒ de xiězì,

我穿上我的夹克,  我穿上我的鞋子

wǒ daishàng wǒ de màozi,  ,wǒ kànshàngqù hěn kù.

我带上我的帽子, , 我看上去很酷
(repeat chorus)

 Translation: Chorus: Getting Dressed (clap clap), Getting Dressed (clap clap), Getting Dressed, Getting Dressed, Getting Dressed (clap clap), I put on my shirt, I put on my shorts, I put on my socks, I look very cool, I put on my jacket, I put on my shoes, I put on my hat, I look very cool. Adults can click fingers, children can clap, or they might like to just imitate you clicking fingers. Replace shorts with skirt using ‘qúnzi’ 裙子 if you want to!  More vocab is on the PDF above.

See you Wednesday or Thursday 🙂

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