学生素质和态度 Student Values and Attitudes

As a teacher, something I really feel is important to include in our day to day learnings, are the values and attitudes required to actually make learning happen in the first place! When we have positive attitudes and values towards our learning, it allows us to have a deeper learning experience. This isn’t rocket science, but it is something that is taken for granted in our education system, like kids should just ‘know’ this. But unless we use the vocabulary of such values with our kids, and talk about them, they probably aren’t learning to their full potential!

As always, learning something in another language, allowing a comparing and contrasting to a first language, adds another layer of ‘meaning’ to a word or concept. So learning the names of the values we would like to practice, in Chinese, is a good way to think about the meaning of these values that we wouldn’t have before! Not all in one vocabulary session of course! But just by having them visually in our space, and talking about them as they apply to what we are doing in that moment.

So in our library, we have these learning values visually on display to remind us to talk about them every now and then!  I have them nice and big, both in English and Mandarin.  I have used the same image on the English and the Mandarin equivalents, so that it is easy for the kids to understand the Chinese version instantly.  There is a kid friendly definition of each one on the English version card. Here is the vocab if you wish to do something similar:

Thinker 善于思考 shàn yú sī kǎo Cooperation 合作 hé zuò
Open-Minded 思想开放 sī xiǎng kāi fang Creativity 创新 chuàng xīn
Risk-Taker 勇于挑战 yǒng yú tiǎo zhàn Confidence 自信 zì xìn
Communicator 多元交流 duō yuán jiāo liú Tolerance 容忍 róng rěn
Reflective 自我反思 zì wǒ fǎn sī Independence 独立 dú lì
Knowledgeable 知识丰富 zhī shi fēng fù Respect 尊重 zūn zhòng
Inquirer 勤于探索 qín yú tàn suǒ Integrity 廉政 lián zhèng
Caring 充满爱心 chōng mǎn ài xīn Enthusiasm 热忱 rè chén
Balanced 身心均衡 shēn xīn jūn héng Empathy 怜悯 lián mǐn
Principled 公平正直 gōng píng zhèng zhí Commitment 投入 tóu rù
Curiosity 好奇 hào qí Appreciation 感恩 gǎn ēn

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