Mandarin Chef’s Tomato Soup

Lucas has started his new Bilingual Cooking YouTube Channel ‘Mandarin Chef Down Under’

He will upload videos of the yummy things he makes, in English and Mandarin, hoping to help English speaking kids learn Mandarin, and Chinese speaking kids learn English, all through simple cooking 🙂 So click on the link above and subscribe, coming soon will be his Lemonade Scones 🙂

Here is his latest upload, Mandarin Chef’s Tomato Soup (English and Chinese, together with the pinyin transcript to help learners below)

You will need to watch how to make Mandarin Chef’s special spice mix also for the Tomato Soup recipe, but once you have made a batch, it will be a good spice mix to marinate meats, fish, and add to soups 🙂

Transcript of Tomato Soup Recipe:

Peel the onion, then dice, jiāng yáng cōng qù pí  qiè ding 將洋蔥去皮,切丁

Put a splash of oil in the pan, zài guō lǐ fàng yī diǎn yóu, 在鍋裡放一點油

Turn the stove on high, bǎ zào wēn dù tiáo gāo, 把灶温度调高

Put the onions in the pan, bǎ yáng cōng fàng zài guō lǐ, 把洋葱放在锅

Finely chop three cloves of garlic, 切碎三瓣大蒜, Qiē suì sān bàn dàsuàn

Add it with the onions, Jiā shàng yángcōng, 加上洋蔥

Sauté for a little, chǎo yī diǎn, 炒一点

Add one tablespoon of Mandarin Chef’s special spice mix, Jiārù yī tāng chí Mandarin Chef tè bié de xiāngliào, 加入一汤匙Mandarin Chef特别的香料

Watch my special spice mix video for the recipe, 观看我的特别香料视频以获取食谱, Guānkàn wǒ de tèbié xiāngliào shìpín   yǐ huòqǔ shípǔ

chop two zucchinis, qie liǎng gè xī hú lu, 切两个西葫芦

Put it all in the pan, Fàng dào guō lǐ, 放到锅里

Chop Two carrots, Qie liǎng gè hú luó bo , 切两个胡萝卜

Add them to the pan, , 将它们添加到锅中, Jiāng tāmen tiānjiā dào guō zhōng

Chop 750g of tomatoes, 切碎七百五十克西红柿, Qiē suì qī bǎi wǔ shí kè xīhóngshì

Add them to the pan, 加入锅中Jiārù guō zhōng

And mix 并混合Bìng hùnhé

Add a 400g tin of diced tomatoes, 加一罐400克切成丁的西红柿 Jiā yī guàn  Sìbǎi kè qièchéngdīng de xīhóngshì

Add 1L of chicken or vegetable stock 加入一公升的鸡肉或蔬菜汤, Jiārù yī gōngshēng de jīròu huò shūcài tang

And stir it in , 搅拌一下 Jiǎobàn yīxià

Bring to the boil and simmer for an hour 烧改用慢火一个小时 shāo gǔn hòu gǎiyòng zhōng màn huǒmèn yī gè xiǎo shí

Use a strainer to put your vegetables in the blender 使用滤网将蔬菜放入搅拌机 Shǐyòng lǜ wǎng jiāng shūcài fàng rù jiǎobànjī

Then you can blend your vegetables 搅拌蔬菜 jiao bàn shūcài

Mix the blended vegetables with the remaining tomato juice in the pan将混合的蔬菜和剩余的番茄汁一起放入锅中Jiāng hùnhé de shūcài hé  shèngyú de fānqié zhī  yīqǐ fàng rù guō zhōng

Serve it into a bowl 放入碗中 Fàng rù wǎn zhōng

Garnish with some basil, 装饰用罗勒 Zhuāngshì yòng luó lēi

Serve with sourdough  配酸面包Pèi suān miànbāo

And enjoy 请慢慢吃 qǐng màn màn chī

中秋节歌 Mid Autumn (Moon) Festival Song

Mid Autumn Festival (Or the Moon Festival) is on the 24th Sept this year. Who better than Groovi Pauli to give us a great song and video to learn all about traditions for this festival. You can purchase his ‘Celebrations in Chinese 4 Kids’ that this song comes from on album on iTunes. But here is a video for you, we will be singing this song every week in our Mandarin Song and Story Time till the festival 🙂 We will also tell stories and make some things over the next few weeks to help us learn all about the things in Groovi Pauli’s song 🙂

Here are the lyrics:

月亮月亮圆圆圆 yuè liang yuè liang yuán yuán yuán
(moon, moon, round round round)

月饼月饼香香香 yuè bing yuè bing xiāng xiāng xiāng
(moon cakes, moon cakes, fragrant fragrant fragrant)

嫦娥嫦娥飞飞飞 cháng é cháng é fēi fēi fēi
(Chang-E Chang-E fly fly fly) Chang E is the name of the moon fairy!

中秋中秋中秋节 zhōng qiū zhōng qiū zhōng qiū jié
(Mid-Autumn, Mid-Autumn, Mid-Autumn Festival)

罗尔德达尔日 Roald Dahl Day

Celebrate Roald Dahl Day on 13th September (his birthday 🙂 ) in Chinese with your kids or students.

Roald Dahl’s Chinese name is 罗尔德。达尔 ( Luóěrdé 。Dáěr). 

All of Roald Dahl’s books have been translated into Chinese. Using translated versions of books that kids are familiar with and love, are great for kids to practice their second language reading. Older students (including senior students and adults) will enjoy the nostalgia and challenge of trying to read their fave Roald Dahl book in Chinese!!!!! We’ve picked up a few of Roald Dahl’s books on our trips to China, but you can order them online for delivery to Oz… pick your favourite one and get it in time for Roald Dahl Day!

If a full chapter book like this in Chinese is too difficult for your students, use Roald Dahl Day to springboard memorable ways to visualise some Chinese vocab.  For example, you could do a  mind map of all the different products a chocolate factory could produce…at the centre of your mind map would be 威利旺卡先生的巧克力工厂 (Wēilì Wàngkǎ Xiānsheng de Qiǎokèlì Gōngchǎng)’Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory’.  You can take examples from the book to start your mind map, then the kids brainstorm all the different products and flavours they would like…with flavours like roast beef and gravy bubblegum, blueberry pie lollipops, and whatever kids’ imaginations think of, there are some great opportunities for food vocab to come alive!

Or, if you are following a strict curriculum with just no room to budge for your students, then you could just pick a few paragraphs, or key sentences from a Roald Dahl book that are really exciting, but also have grammar points that you are working on at the moment…so you can have some fun with Roald Dahl but still tick the boxes you need to as a teacher 🙂

Such books are also really good to spark conversation about translation…are there some things that have been translated literally that have ambiguous meanings in the first language, but just don’t work in the second language? (Roald Dahl plays with language so much!!!). The books were written for western children, immersed in western ‘culture’…are there things in the books that Chinese children (growing up in China) would find difficult to ‘get’ the point of?  These questions can really help kids with literary analysis in their first language too 🙂

Below I have typed out chapter 5 of the ‘BFG’, to give an idea of the level of language typically required for a Roald Dahl book in Chinese.  In this chapter, Sophie is having her first conversation with the giant, which is all about what the giants think children from different countries in the world taste like.  Giants like to eat kids from Turkey because they taste like turkey, they don’t like to eat kids from Greece because they taste greasy, kids from Denmark (Danes) taste like Great Danes, kids from Wellington in New Zealand taste like Wellington boots, kids from Jersey taste like jumpers, and kids from Panama taste like Panama hats.  The Giant is not very good at English grammar, which also allows for Dahl to play on words some more, he call human beings ‘Human Beans’.

This chapter is really interesting for kids to read, and full of grammar points just waiting to be highlighted 🙂 BUT, what is really interesting for kids, parents and teachers to discuss, is how the translator has managed to keep the same play on words using Chinese like Dahl intended using English. It contains Chinese idioms that the translator has carefully picked to maintain Dahl’s humour the best way possible in Chinese, eg. when Sophie tries to correct the giant’s grammar he says not to ‘咬文嚼字’ (yǎo wén jiáo zì) literally to bite words and chew characters (meaning don’t be punctilious about the finer details of wording!).  This is within a conversation about Bone Crunching Giants biting and chewing kids’ bones, so a cool idiom to use 🙂

How does a translator translate ‘Greek kids taste greasy’ in Chinese?? It just wouldn’t have the same effect if translated literally.  So the translator has used a Chinese idiom to describe children from Greece (Greece= 希腊Xīlà) have a taste described as 味同嚼蜡(wèi tóng jiáo là) which means to taste as if one is chewing wax.  The character 腊(là) in the country name of Greece is not only pronounced the same as the character 蜡(là) which means ‘wax’, but also shares some of the same character components.  This way the translator has been able to keep the same play on words that Dahl intended using English.

Where the translator has not been able to change this play on words in Chinese, they have kept the same literal translation, but added a foot note to explain the intended meaning, for example a foot note explaining what a Wellington Boot is in England, how they were named after the soldier ‘Wellington’ and how the capital of New Zealand ‘Wellington’ shares the same name etc.  The foot note explaining that the Panama hat is a straw hat from Panama is a good one to discuss, because it can lead to a discussion as to whether the Panama hat actually does come from Panama…so translating the text from Chinese can actually lead to students delving deeper into analysis of the text in English 🙂

Read the full chapter to find out how the translator has translated the other kiddie tasting comparisons 🙂  Hope you and your students can have fun with Roald Dahl in Chinese in some capacity on Roald Dahl Day this year 🙂

好心眼儿巨人   Chapter 5 



巨人坐下来,狠狠地盯住索菲看。 他的耳朵真大。每一只耳朵有车轮那么大,他好像可以随意把它们转来转去。


‘请…请不要吃我。’ 索菲结结巴巴地说。

巨人哈哈大笑。‘只因为我是一个巨人,你就以为我是一个吃人生番!’他叫道,‘你说得也对!巨人全是生番,要杀人豆子!他们当真吃人豆子! 我们如今是在巨人国!四面八方都是巨人! 在外面我们就有个赫赫有名的嘎吱嘎吱嚼骨头巨人!嘎吱嘎吱嚼骨头巨人每天晚上要嚼上两个肥肥胖胖不值钱的人豆子做晚饭!他吃饭的声音会把你耳朵震聋!他嘎吱嘎吱嚼骨头的声音会传得非常远!’










可这些是笑话吗? 也许这凶恶的巨人谈吃只是要引起他的食欲。














‘丹麦人豆子有很 强烈的面粉味道。’巨人说下去。‘当然,’索菲接上他的话,‘面粉是麦子磨出来的。你说话是不是有点混?’索菲说。‘我是一个非常混的巨人,’巨人说,‘不过我已经尽力不这样。我一点儿没有其他巨人混。  我认为这么个巨人,他一直跑到惠灵顿去吃他的晚饭。’










(2)英国有长统靴  惠灵顿高帮靴,其实它们的名称源自英国陆军元帅惠灵顿1769-1852,跟新西兰的首都惠灵顿根本不搭界。




非洲的地缝 African rift!

非洲的地缝 (Fēizhōu de dìféng). We learned today that Kenya all of a sudden started to split…

Here is a picture Lucas made for our big world map…

The text reads:   这里的土地慢慢裂成了两半,一天这一大片地会变成两快。

(Zhèlǐ tǔdì mànmàn lièchéng le liǎng bàn , yī tiān zhè yī dàpiàn dì huì biànchéng liǎng kuài).

‘Here the land is slowly splitting in half, one day this big continent could become two!’

Thanks to Randall Munroe’s Chinese version of the book ‘Thing Explainer’ for sparking our curiosity to learn more about this!

Here are some videos to explain what is happening 🙂



杰米奥利弗 Jamie Oliver

My little boy loves cooking, and he loves following Jamie Oliver’s recipes. So when I saw Jamie Oliver’s cook books in China I didn’t hesitate to buy! Integrated English, Health, Maths, Home Economics, Chinese…and the pleasure of making dinner for the family…all wrapped in fun and yummy food!

Jamie’s Chinese name is 杰米奥利弗 Jiémǐ Aolìfú (to see how a Chinese name is made you can click here).  And this book is his 15 minute meals, or 十五分钟开饭 (shíwǔ fēnzhōng kāifàn), literally ’15 minutes serve a meal’.

Lucas loves making a ‘fancy weekend dinner’ for the family, so straight away he looked through the recipes, this is the one he picked to make this weekend for us.  Lucas can follow an English recipe independently with ease now…so I have given him the task of making this dinner for us, with no help from me…from translation, to shopping, to cooking (of course I will go to the shops with him and monitor the stove top cooking bits :-))

‘Glazed sizzling chops with sweet tomato and asparagus lasgnetti’.  So Lucas set to translating the recipe.  Lucas can recognize about 75% of characters in a regular text.  That doesn’t mean he will know 75% of all the ‘words’ in the text, just the ‘characters’ that will make up those words.  His strategy therefore is to type the whole recipe out, using the pinyin for the characters that he knows, and looking up the ones he doesn’t know in a handwriting recognition tool.  Once he has the whole recipe typed out, it is then easy to look up the words that he doesn’t know using online tools.

Some words just don’t come up in even the most updated dictionaries, because new words are being formed all the time in China. As western food products increase in the market, phonetic names are made up for them, and often different areas of China may have different names.  For example 帕尔玛干酪 (pronounced ‘pà ěr mǎ gān lào”, Lucas knew ‘gān lào’ as cheese.  But an element of common sense guessing had to be used with the ‘pà ěr mǎ’ bit…a word in an Italian Pasta recipe…a kind of cheese…it didn’t take long to work out that ‘pà ěr mǎ’ was a phonetic for ‘parmesan’. After spending some time in Kunming, Lucas knows that only a handful of very upmarket supermarkets with international sections would stock such an item as parmesan cheese. So words like these can take a while to appear in online dictionaries.

Next Lucas had to write a shopping list of the ingredients that he needed, taking into account the quantities/measurements and making sure it’s enough for all 4 of us.  So he printed his typed out list and wrote the English over the top. His translation for a ten year old is pretty amazing I think 🙂 (Please note I don’t correct any work of my children as I believe they ‘improve’ without the need of a teacher’s red pen). A few mistakes like writing ‘kg’ instead of ‘g’ they realise themselves…it is much more powerful for kids to find their own mistakes than have a teacher point them out 🙂

The dinner was an absolute hit…and an amazing feeling of accomplishment for Lucas…not only did he prepare, cook and serve a really fancy yummy dinner for our family’s Friday night chill…he had to translate the recipe from Chinese beforehand…some pretty amazing skills being developed 🙂

Ok…the work involved to get this recipe translated, shopped, prepared and on our dinner table was more like 15 hours spread over the week… not 15 minutes 🙂 But who cares…in the moment, meaningful and rewarding learning 🙂

Tiger Leaping Gorge Hike: Day 3&4

This blog post follows in from Tiger Leaping Gorge Hike: Day 2

The next morning we set off again to our next village, ‘Walnut Garden’ (核桃园 Hé tao yuán). Up high in the gorge now the views were spectacular, and passing goat herders with their herds of goats reminding us this trail is a practical way of life, not just for us to be awe inspired by.

To get an idea of the ‘hairy’ parts of the trail, here are a few piks. We did have last minute parental fears that we were taking our kids on a hike that was a little too adventurous! But now we can say that we survivied, and if we had let fear take over we would never have the tale to tell 🙂 Yes it could be said that tripping over on the thinnest and sheerest part of the track in the wrong direction could have resulted in tragedy. But we know our kids are mature, sensible, agile and fit. Now we have finished our hike, I would do it again with my kids with no reservations, and they would too. Personally I feel that the benefits of such a hike for families far outweigh the risk of danger. If you are a fit family used to walking in the wilderness you would have no problems doing this hike and will have an awesome adventure to talk about together forever 🙂

We finally get to Walnut Garden, and we stay at Sean’s Guesthouse, a guesthouse we stayed at 20 years ago! It was the very first guesthouse in the gorge. Sean runs the guesthouse with his wife Lily and his children, who can all speak really good English, and the food, both Chinese and Western choices, was just heavenly , again paired with an awesome view.

We stayed 2 nights at Sean’s, so that we had a full day to explore the village and walk down to the Jinsha River.  I highly recommend taking this time…especially as it meant trying more of the yummy food on the menu…and even a bottle of the ‘Great Wall Red’…it doesn’t taste too bad with the view 🙂

On our last day, Sean organised a driver for us to take us straight to Lijiang. There is a road that leads straight out of the gorge.  The driver was happy to stop at Jane’s Guesthouse to pick up the kids’ backpacks on the way.  There is also a bus at 3.30, but it wasn’t much dearer for the 4 of us in a private car, and this way we could leave on our own schedule.

We were enjoying the hike so much, we wanted to pop our packs on and carry on through the gorge (you can do to get to the Shangri-La end), but we had an overnight train booked in Lijiang.  Maybe next time 🙂

Here are some tips we can think of if you go:

Yunnan weather is hot and dry, even in winter during the day, so take sun screen, and lip cream. We saw other western hikers with red faces 🙂

Gorge weather is unpredictable, is always cold Winter mornings and evenings, and can be cold in Summer too.  We wore the same hiking clothes each day, and took one spare set of clothes to be comfy in for the evening….including thermals, polartec jackets AND big down coats.  They take up a lot of room in packs…but it’s nice to be able to sit outside in the evening 🙂

Take instant coffee or coffee/tea bags if you like a cuppa before setting off, there are kettles in the guesthouses.

Don’t underestimate the walking times…they are not exaggerated like some western NP walks are. Allow the recommended time plus a few extra hours to get to your planned village before dark, especially if with kids.  Take a headlamp though just in case 🙂

If with kids, allow at least 3 nights to do this section of the hike.  Not because they are slow….my kids were at the top of climbs way ahead of me! But if you are not rushed you will enjoy your family time together and be safe 🙂


Follow in our family’s Mandarin learning journey on our Facebook page Mandarin Motion 

Whose bottom? and Handkerchief Game!

We love stories and songs about bottoms 🙂 So we will read 谁的屁股? (shéi de pìgu) ‘Whose Bottom?’ this week, Wednesday 10am in our Mandarin Song and Story Time. For more posts on bottoms check out our wiping bottoms page, who did the poo page, tones and poo page, and poos and water page!

We will also play the traditional Chinese game ‘Hide the Hanky’ as long as it is not raining!  There is a version of the song that accompanies the game below, together with the lyrics for you.




diū shǒu jīn diū shǒu jīn , qīng qīng de fàng zài , xiǎo péng yǒu de hòu mian , dà jiā bù yào gào su tā , kuài diǎn kuài diǎn zhuō zhù tā , kuài diǎn kuài diǎn zhuō zhù tā

Drop the hanky, drop the hanky, lightly put the hanky behind a friend, everybody don’t tell him/her, quickly quickly catch him/her, quickly quickly catch him/her.

Chinese teachers wishing to get their students to explain how to play the game in Chinese could show this video:

The simplified script is :



See you Wednesday 🙂

复活节快到了!我们做十字面包吧!Easter’s coming! Let’s make Hot Cross Buns!

复活节快到了!我们做十字面包吧!(fù huó jié kuài dào le ! wǒ men zuò shí zì miàn bāo ba !)  ‘Easter’s coming! Let’s make Hot Cross Buns!’

Happy Easter!  As a gift, kids have translated their favourite Hot Cross Bun recipe into Chinese, and made a video for you to follow!

So….how do you follow a recipe in Chinese???  See below the video for help!

Aurora and Lucas have tried their hardest to make a cooking video, that clearly points to each ingredient as they say it in Chinese, and clearly shows you what to do as they recount the method.  On top of that they have made a downloadable hot cross buns 1 Powerpoint that has the ingredients and key verbs and measurements used in the recipe, with the pinyin, English and images to help you work out the vocabulary! Bear in mind they are learning how to talk about ‘dough rising’ in Chinese and video techniques too as they do this project, but making a video to help others learn, we think this is the best way for us to learn!  They used an iPad as a camera, and iMovie app to create the video. Aurora and Lucas hope that this video will help:

  • beginner to intermediate learners of Chinese learn a little more Chinese by having fun making Hot Cross Buns for Easter, and saying each step out loud as they make them!!
  • inspire other students of Chinese to make their own cooking or instructional videos in Chinese.
  • inspire Chinese teachers to show the video to their students to inspire them to do a similar project together.
  • inspire Chinese people to have a go at making a Western traditional recipe!

Here is the list of ingredients and method in Chinese and pinyin, you will need to work out the English from the video actions and the powerpoint (linked above)!  Good Luck!




一杯半 温牛奶







十字糊: 四分之一杯水、两茶匙糖、四分之一杯面粉


  1. 把酵母放在温牛奶中化开。加入糖混匀。放在温暖处十分钟。
  2. 将面粉和黄油,放在碗里,搓成屑状。
  3. 倒入酵母混合物,搅拌。加入鸡蛋、肉豆蔻、肉桂和葡萄干。 搅拌,然后揉面团。放在温暖处进行发酵一个小时。
  4. 预热200℃ 的烤箱。
  5. 将面团分成16份. 排在铺了烤纸的烤盘上。
  6. 准备十字糊: 将水,糖和面粉放在新的碗里,搅拌. 盛入裱花袋。在表面呈十字型挤上十字糊。
  7. 入烤箱烤20分钟。中间最好转一下烤盘。

pèi liào :

sì chá chí jiào mǔ

sì fēn zhī yī bēi táng

yī bēi bàn wēn niú nǎi

sì bēi miàn fěn

huáng yóu 80 kè

yī gè jī dàn

yī chá chí ròu dòu kòu

yī chá chí ròu guì

yī bēi pú tao gān

shí zì hú : sì fēn zhī yī bēi shuǐ 、 liǎng chá chí táng 、 sì fēn zhī yī bēi miàn fěn

zuò fǎ :

1 . bǎ jiào mǔ fàng zài wēn niú nǎi zhōng huà kāi 。 jiā rù táng hùn yún 。 fàng zài wēn nuǎn chù shí fēn zhōng 。

2 . jiāng miàn fěn hé huáng yóu , fàng zài wǎn lǐ , cuō chéng xiè zhuàng 。

3 . dào rù jiào mǔ hùn hé wù , jiǎo bàn 。 jiā rù jī dàn 、 ròu dòu kòu 、 ròu guì hé pú tao gān 。 jiǎo bàn , rán hòu róu miàn tuán 。 fàng zài wēn nuǎn chù jìn xíng fā jiào yī gè xiǎo shí 。

4 . yù rè 200 ℃ de kǎo xiāng 。

5 . jiāng miàn tuán fēn chéng 16 fèn . pái zài pū le kǎo zhǐ de kǎo pán shàng 。

6 . zhǔn bèi shí zì hú : jiāng shuǐ , táng hé miàn fěn fàng zài xīn de wǎn lǐ , jiǎo bàn . chéng rù biǎo huā dài 。 zài biǎo miàn chéng shí zì xíng jǐ shàng shí zì hú 。

7 . rù kǎo xiāng kǎo 20 fēn zhōng 。 zhōng jiān zuì hǎo zhuǎn yī xià kǎo pán 。

月份歌 Months of the year song

Some of my older students are learning the months of the year this week!  They are really easy, because once you can count in Chinese, and know the word for month 月 (yuè), then you know the months! One of my students pointed out that the character for month in Chinese also means ‘moon’.  That’s because months in China were originally counted by the moon cycle!

Learn this song so that you know the months off by heart:

Lyrics to the song are:

一年有几个月? 请你告诉我。

一月,二月,三月,四月,五月,六月, 七月,八月,九月,十月,十一月,十二月


yī nián yǒu jǐ ge yuè ? qǐng nǐ gào su wǒ 。

 yī yuè , èr yuè , sān yuè , sì yuè , wǔ yuè , liù yuè , qī yuè , bā yuè , jiǔ yuè , shí yuè , shí yī yuè , shí èr yuè

 méi yǒu shí sān yuè !

How many months in a year?  Please let me know.
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
There is no month 13!

Then you can play this months of the year game to help you listen out for the correct month!


Homonyms 同音异义词

Here are the links to the videos we watched with the older kids this week, to show the extent of how Chinese is a language built on homonyms!

There are lots of examples of Homonyms in English, ’There, their’, ‘two, too, to’, ‘buy, by’ etc. Words that sound the same but have different meanings.  But this happens much more in Chinese! 星星   猩猩 are both pronounced ‘xīng xing’, even have the same tone, but the first means ‘Star’ and the second means ‘Gorilla’.

Homonym in Chinese is 同音异义词   (tóng yīn yì yì cí) meaning ‘same sound different meaning word’.

To highlight this, we can use the poem in the The Lion-Eating Poet in the Stone Den 施氏食狮史; Shī Shì shí shī shǐ; literally: “The Story of Mr. Shi Eating Lions”)  by Yuen Ren Chao.  Every syllable in this poem is pronounced shi!

Here is the poem with the Chinese characters (note characters are traditional, I will add the simplified version below)

Here is the poem read out with the English translation for you as it is read:

Here is the simplified character version:


Here is the pinyin:

“Shī shì shíshī shǐ”
shíshì shī shì shī shì, shì shī, shì shíshí shī.
Shì shí shíshìshì shì shī.
Shí shí, shì shí shī shì shì.
Shì shí, shì shī shì shì shì.
Shì shì shì shí shī, shì shǐ shì, shǐ shì shí shī shì shì.
Shì shi shì shí shī shī, shì shíshì.
Shíshì shī, shì shǐ shì shì shíshì.
Shí shì shì, shì shǐ shì shí shì shí shī.
Shí shí, shǐ shi shì shí shī shī, shí shí shí shī shī.
Shì shì shì shì.

Have fun trying to recite 🙂